Spring Choir Festival 

Eleventh Annual Concert

Dr. Madlen Batchvarova
Guest Conductor

Sunday May 15, 2011

3:00 p. m.

Prince of Peace Catholic Church
314 E. 2nd Street
Madison, Indiana

First Assembly of God, First Baptist Chruch, First Christian Church, Madison Prresbyterian Church
Resurrection Lutheran Church and Prince of Peace Catholic Parish, Trinity United Methodist

Sponsored by the Madison Ministerial Association

Choirs from several Madison area churches are participating in this Ecumenical event.
Each choir will sing selections from their
Easter Celebrations, with
All choirs combined for the Finale.
Please join in the festivities.
For more info call Larry Wickersham 273-6888.
Or email Larry

Tell your friends       All are welcome
Come and listen to the joyful sounds of Madison’s Churches.
Please have announcements of this event listed in your church’s bulletin.

Bicentennial CD cover

The Bicentennial CD

The choir festival has been a huge success over it's 10 year history
and has been captured for the Bicentennial CD "Our Heritage of Praise."

the CD will be available at the Festival Concert