Practice Tracts for the 2010 Choir Festival

To listen to a practice track click on your desired part under each song. These file are large files and may take a few minutes to download. They usually play best if you download the entire file and then click the play button. You can also right click and save the file to your computer and then burn a CD.

All parts are created with a synthesizer- there are no words, just your pitches. Your part will be played on a "doo" sound with the other choir parts clinking on a harpsichord along with the piano accompaniment.



All Parts

Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass


Saints Bound For Heaven

All Parts

Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass


I'll work on getting the other 2 songs online over this weekend. Keep checking. Copies of the music are available through your choir director.

Next Rehearsal Thurs. April 15th, 7:30 p.m. at Prince of Peace.